
Rendezvous With Death

By gk gaius,

Published on Mar 9, 2023   —   2 min read


My Friends, welcome to another week here at the words whispers! The love you all show me I shall never forget! Before we jump into today’s work, I’d love to share my Novella once again. It’s a story that takes place in the 1700s right before the Revolution in the Colonies.

The destination, where I want to be is right in front of me. Right there, and all I have to do is run towards it to meet him. But I look around once more, and what do I see? 

Chaos. Beauty. Nature. 

I wish to run but these things around me are saying “Stay with us.” 

I stand still. What do I really want? Where I wish to be is right in front of me, Who I need to see is standing right there, yet what surrounds me wants me to stay, to be with them. 

I begin to think. What exactly is that destination then? 
It’s where I want to be. But will it be a place where all of these things reside? Will I be surrounded by Nature? Will I be surrounded by Beauty? Will I be surrounded by Chaos? Will I be surrounded by Life Itself? 

Questions like these are hard. I need peace in life, and that destination, and who’s there right now has an answer for me. 

I close my eyes and begin to think. What brought me here? 

The Pain
That's what brought me here.

So for sanity, I seeked the destination.
I sought him out.

The destination where I'd be free.
Where peace would be.

That's what brought me here.

I sigh and look around me again. I can't let go of this world for him.
There's beauty in it, and the chaos. Ohh the chaos that brings forth so much.
The destination doesn't have this. He won't give any of this to me.
He wouldn't make my heart beat to what surrounds me.

I sit still and look around me. What more could I ask for but to embrace what calls for me to stay. Life Itself. To smile in it and enjoy everything it brings my way.

I take a step back from the destination. I wave and say "When my time comes, I shall see you."
I turn around and walk into the beauty and chaos of life.

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Till Next Time
Deo Volente

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