
Life Itself

By gk gaius,

Published on Nov 24, 2022   —   2 min read


I'll be honest, It's been a while since I've sat down to write something for many reasons. One reason is that I'm currently editing a previous work of mine I wish to publish, another is that the world cup started so waking up at 4AM to write switched to 4AM to watch the game. I just finished watching the Swiss game so I decided to write while I get an hour break before the next game. Another reason is work. Since I started my current job, time to write, read, and more has passed me by but I promise you dear reader that these are not excuses. I should be writing daily as I've always done. Will strive for that. Today, I bring to you something that's been in my heart for a week now.
When I lay in bed, it's roaming in my mind.
When I watch football, It's roaming in my mind.
When I laugh with my wife, It's roaming in my mind.
Life. Life Itself.

My son peed on me a while ago, that's life itself.
The world cup has many infuriated, I call that life as well.
A child was aborted somewhere today, can I call that life?
So many things happening around me, so what is life?

It's been roaming in my mind. It doesn't want to leave at all. It's begging to be sought out. Begging to be written, so I write. What exactly is life? What exactly is life? What exactly is life? I fear there will be a lot of repetition so do bear with dear reader. But I ask again, what is life?

A father hits his son with belt, that is life.
A mother kisses her child on the cheeks, I call this life as well.
Sadly, a woman was raped, can I call this life?
So many things happening around me, What exactly is life?

What exactly is life? It's everything around us. The good and the bad, that's life. That's reality. The actions, the thoughts, the wind that blows and the chills it brings, that's life. Should we embrace life? YES! Even the bad things that happen? YES! Because it is part of life.

Life happens to us all.
We don't get to pick and choose what it brings forth to us.
No matter how sad it is.

Life has brought me sorrow.
Life had me abused from a young age by the man I call father.
Life brought me to The Great Gatsby.
Life brought me many more books.
Life brought me to you who continues to read my work.

Life happens to us all!
It brings forth pain.
It brings forth joy.
It brings forth whatever it wishes.

Embrace Life Itself.

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